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Лас Вегас

1 2 »
Dessert Classic VIII – Round One, Day One
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 02 Июля 2009 18:50
At the end of the first half of the first round of stage play here at the Desert Classic came the match the North Americans were waiting for and in the end there wasn’t much to see. Читать далее...
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Dessert Classic VIII – Round One, Day One

Las Vegas Players Championship – 2009
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 01 Июля 2009 18:58
Desert Classic VIII took a break today to make room for the Players Championship. For the throng of four American spectators who came from as far away as Las Vegas today’s event presented an early opportunity to rub shoulders with the best darts players on the Planet Earth, including some from a little town called England. Читать далее...
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Las Vegas Players Championship – 2009

Desert Classic VIII – Qualifier Two
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 30 Июня 2009 18:47
DAMN it was hot today! At lunch I started hallucinating. I ordered spaghetti and thought I saw Olly Croft’s image on a meatball. Читать далее...
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Desert Classic VIII – Qualifier Two

Desert Classic VIII – Qualifier One
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 29 Июня 2009 18:45
I must begin this series by setting to rest the rumor that for months has rumbled about the darts community – that the Professional Darts Corporation (PDC) is turning its back on the United States and this year’s Desert Classic will be the last. Читать далее...
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Desert Classic VIII – Qualifier One

Sid celebrates as Phil triumphs
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 04 Июля 2005 09:50
I am dictating this by the pool to a flunkie of the MGM Grand who has brought me a bottle of Newcastle Brown Ale. I am celebrating the reason why darts is now totally, widely and irrevocably down as a sport. Читать далее...
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Sid celebrates as Phil triumphs

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