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Stateside Sid Rides Again
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 14 Мая 2006 04:29
I could well be destined to be hopping the Atlantic like a jet-propelled homing pigeon over the next few weeks.

I am off on Monday 15th of May to Boston, Mass, for a bit of rest and relaxation shooting pool down Cheers bar with my Yankee brother-in-law Читать далее...

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Stateside Sid Rides Again

Wayne’s Woe And Wayne’s World
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Апреля 2006 04:29
So how about the big guns at Donny last week? In the first match of the night Phil Taylor looked highly vulnerable, going 3-0 down to Baxter. I thought he was on for his first defeat till the old grit kicked in and he won 8-5. Читать далее...
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Wayne’s Woe And Wayne’s World

D-Day At Donny
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 18 Апреля 2006 04:30
It is going to be just like having two thoroughbreds nose to nose in the last furlong of the St Leger. There may well be some jockeying on the oche but I don’t see the whips coming out… Читать далее...
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D-Day At Donny

The Power And The Postman
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 04 Апреля 2006 04:31
The Holsten Premier League hit Carlisle with its usual glitz and gladiatorial darts. Five hundred years ago English and Scottish reivers (brigands) fought and ravaged the lawless Border country by the torrential River Eden. Nothing much has changed; the weapons are smaller and the leaders of the charge are a stocky feisty Englishman and a tall smiling Dutchman. Читать далее...
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The Power And The Postman

Hot Tickets And Old Favourites
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Марта 2006 04:31
Over the last few months I have been asked by people in all walks of life — from painters to publishers, publicans to policemen — why is darts so HOT now? Well I reckon we got the answer in full pulsating tungsten Technicolour on Thursday night at Bournemouth in the Holsten Premier Darts League. Читать далее...
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Hot Tickets And Old Favourites

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