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Oh - I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 19 Июля 2005 09:50

Oh - I Do Like To Be Beside The Seaside
Now is the time that a veteran commentator feels full of the joys of summer. I have been preparing for the World Matchplay championship in Blackpool for a week and the vivid memories are flooding back.

Eleven years ago it was my first live broadcast for Sky and as Mick Jagger said ‘In fact it’s a gas.’ John Gwynne, Dave Lanning and I performed onstage as the Bachelors and Dennis Priestley went 7-3 up in the final only for Larry Butler ‘The Bald Eagle’ to peg back remorselessly and take the title. A few years later I was quietly mugging up on my notes for the final when Tommy Cox dragged me up on stage to sing ‘Rocking All Over the World’ with his son’s group The Cheap Suits. Despite being totally tone deaf, I done great and we even did an encore! Bet Motson and Benaud don’t warm up by rocking in front of 2000 fans.

2002 was memorable for Phil Taylor’s nine-darter and, like a real pro, I did not go mad with the verbals. ‘History! History! History!’ I hissed.

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