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My Unique Vocal Routine

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 26 Октября 2005 09:58

My Unique Vocal Routine
I spent the morning talking to the Daily Telegraph about my unique routine of vocal relaxation ahead of another long night’s commentary.

They were fascinated by my ‘Musical Yawn’, ‘Singing Sinus’ and ‘Puffing Pilates’ - all designed to loosen the old tubes and clear the breathing!

This should be in tip-top form for the semi’s and the final at the weekend.

Two changes in the fortunes of players impressed me most. The manner of Team Unicorn’s Peter Manley’s victory over Ovens showed that character is now added to his undoubted flair

The way that he surged through, despite the odd balance problem, showed that he has added relaxation to his armoury. Take it from me, a happy bouncing Manley can be a very big threat.

But my star of the show was undoubtedly Andy Jenkins.

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