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Down Memory Lane

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Октября 2005 09:59

Down Memory Lane
It's great for a veteran like me to look out of the commentary box window and see a darting 'great' rolling back the years.

Dennis Priestley is 55-years-old and there is the odd fleck of white in the jet black hair but in the first set against local lad Keith Rooney was vintage Dennis of a decade ago.

He averaged an amazing 104.8 - with a double start - and went out in 15, 14 and 14 darts to sicken the locals.

Credit to Rooney though, with his mum Magella done 'up to the 9s' in the front row, he managed to make a match of it and looked a certain winner in the last set.

But Priestley showed the old eyes are as good as ever and took victory in the deciding leg of a tense game.

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