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Finest Commentator Ever!?

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Декабря 2005 04:25

Finest Commentator Ever!?
I spent Christmas Eve in darkest Hertfordshire, where I had the best sausage sandwich of my life, in a pub in Braughing – called The Axe and Compasses!

I had a game of darts with the landlord and the locals but did as bad as ever! I put one in the fire and two in the blind stocking.

But my first Christmas gift came in the form of a full page in The Independent newspaper, suggesting that I was arguably the finest commentator on any sport anywhere! Writer Chris Maume was certainly impressed by my “Magnificent Seven” imagery, as applied to Denis Ovens.

Mind you, in 1998, the same writer suggested that my verbosity was a definite sign of madness!

I was then up with the larks and the grandchildren on Christmas Day – one of them with a Yamaha organ at full wellie – at my daughter’s house near Esher in Surrey.

Copious quantities of turkey and stuffing balls were consumed by the Waddell’s en-famille…..and Irene and I won the Mr and Mrs quiz – with centimetre accuracy on who uses the most loo paper!

And the answer is………Sid because of his nasty cough…….of course!!

Some journalists in The Sun and The Mirror want me to cut a single and try and knock X Factor winner Shayne Ward off top spot!

I’ll get down to real darts next time…..meanwhile put Jan 2 at 6.15pm in your diaries. That’s when I star in Celebrity Mastermind – just before the World Final here in Purfleet.

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