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Taylor And Tonsils!

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 30 Декабря 2005 04:26

Taylor And Tonsils!
So, Phil ‘The Power’ won the all Stoke-on-Trent clash against King Henry VIII, landlord of the Skylark boozer.

This was the real take-no-copies Philip. His stacking was little short of perfect, as was his use of the treble 19. In addition, his “attitude” was like it was at the World Grand Prix in Ireland – he kicked his own butt at the slightest sloppy shot!

He will take some holing!

Turning to problems of tonsillectomy…..I have been a guru this fortnight to top ref and Unicorn’s very own Russ Bray.

I have persuaded him to avoid nightly fags and a shot of something frisky! I have told him to do the same breathing exercises as I do…..and indeed we shared two hilarious minutes of nose music behind the stage before one of his matches. It sounded like the dying throes of an old chesty bagpipe player!

It was fancy dress day at The Tavern. I spotted one plastic banana, three Spidermen, three Backyardigams, complete with nappies and eight of the seven dwarfs! Explanation: There were two Dopies, one with a mask and one who had consumed 16 bottles of lager!

The standard of placards today reached its peak. Most of them had a pie theme in honour of Andy Smith – ‘The Pie Man’.

The best by far was a perfectly coloured sign in the Sky Sports blue and red logo which said simply: “WELCOME TO PIE SPORTS!”…….brill…..that’ll take some beating this week!

STILETTO WATCH………………tonight I am attending a Cheese and Wine Party – hosted by our two walk-on girls Joanne and Katie, who hail from Liverpool and Derbyshire.

So, even though they wear fancy silver stiletto’s, there is no way they can be put down as Essex girls……but I betcha that a couple of ‘Shazzers’ will show up national Essex costume!

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