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Darting Days Of Wonder

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 04 Января 2006 04:09

Darting Days Of Wonder
I am writing this in my study in Pudsey awaiting a call from a radio station in Melbourne, Australia. OK, the Ladbroke.com World Darts Championship went out live to Holland, Germany and Malaysia - but calls from the Land of Oz!

It seems the gospel we spread for 86 hours of exciting live TV sport has been catching on like wild-fire.

I have a mound of press cuttings dating back one month and guess what? No mention of bellies or booze! Just acres of appreciation of the ‘skills at the arrows of outrageous proportions’ of Phil Taylor, Peter Manley, Wayne Mardle, Adrian and the rest of the lads.

Best moments of the week….

Lloyd came back to the Circus the night after he crashed out to Gary Welding. Smart suit, big grin, great attitude.

Freddie Williams - proud and nostalgic on his last week as a stage referee – was inducted into the Hall of Fame. His speech to the crowd was dignified, passionate and funny. He will act as television fourth referee at future events. I hope the Geordies on the stage crew don’t switch to Newcastle United at crucial moments.

Sid’s best line: ‘I see him as the eighth man in the Magnificent Seven’.

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