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Right Barney In Blackburn

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 22 Февраля 2006 04:34

Right Barney In Blackburn
It’s not often that a Phil Taylor versus Wayne Mardle match in front of 1300 rabid arrows fans is the prawn cocktail before the steak and frites…

But that is exactly the big story from the first night of the Holsten Premier League on Sky Sports. Wayne, to my surprise had 70% of the northern crowd on his side against Phil, but could not manage a late surge of class to stop The Power.

Then - blow me over with a goose-down flight - enter Barney with 80% of the lads and lasses of Blackburn screaming for him as though he was Craig Bellamy homing in on a hat-trick. The lad Ray done great: he blitzed local boy Ronnie Baxter, who looked gob-smacked throughout the encounter.

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