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Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 30 Декабря 2006 05:34

Well, the conflab between Chris Mason and Phil Taylor certainly had more press coverage than Tony Blair’s desperate search for a legacy! As the furore over Mason’s press outburst and alleged obscene outburst roars on, consider this….Mason has many times told me how much he respects Phil and what he has done for the sport.

My take on the remarks in the press about big-headedness are that Chris wanted to unstabilise ‘The Power’ temporarily and make him drop an early set. I see any words slung by Mason at the end, as extreme disappointment bubbling over into venom.

It seems Jekyll and Hyde is the role model for ‘Mace the Ace’. He really must sort his head out if he is to stay on the high wire that is top darts.

I think that both players should be disciplined in some way – because Phil did swear on live TV, and Chris was out of order.


This tournament has taken off worldwide. All day Friday, we were receiving news that all the action was being snapped up by TV companies in India, Pakistan, the Middle East and Europe. It’s likely that pushing 10 million viewers will switch on to Monday’s World Final. There’s even a rumour that Sachin Tendulkar has come out of retirement to play in the Taj Mahal Super League!

As we write this, we are approaching 450 180s in the tournament……PHENOMENAL!

The very first Embassy World Championship in 1978 threw up a skimpy 26 max’s.


I have dipped me hand in me Geordie pocket to buy Bobby George’s tome about his miserable life as a little lad and his subsequent rise to Mr Glitter on the oche.

Like Jocky Wilson’s story, “Bobby Dazzler” published this week by Orion is a warm tale of a stuttering, non-bookish boy from a tough background, fighting his way out and up.

From about 12, Bobby had to use initiative to eke out some family income. At one stage, he had a nice little earner by picking wild horseradish, mushing it up and putting it in jars. He sold these to local restaurants. This was the groundwork for his later sideline of buying and selling second-hand Rolls Royce’s.

It will put his apparent brash character and ego-centric behaviour into perspective. I found myself warming to him in all of the first four chapters.

I will report on the rest next week.


I thought I had gone completely loopy when I saw three cardboard Sid’s staring back at me from the posh seats of The Circus. They were masks on a bunch lads who were once sponsors of Phil Taylor. Maybe, I can get mask production going and get myself a nice little earner!

Всего комментариев: 2
Комментарий Спам
2. Teas at 23:47 on 1st January 2007
Великий финал на много лет, безумный финал. Целый год фаны ждали этого дня, и их мольбы были услышаны. При счете 3-0 Барни начал бороться, отбил атаку «Мощи» и закономерно, что матч закончился в решающем леге. Победитель не имеет значения, тут все зависело от удачи. Какой день! Барни шел к своей короне, 21 раз набрал по 180, и обоим бойцам нечего стыдиться.
А затем все испортили. После этого матча, Барни пошел за трофеем, какие-то идиоты его освистали. Что можно испытывать кроме уважения к нему? Но они освистали. Я не понимаю этого, и боюсь, что игрокам это может не понравиться, и они не появятся больше не этой сцене.

Засим заканчиваю, к рубежу.

Комментарий Спам
1. Adam at 05:52 on 31st December 2006
«Это Уодделловское рестлерское Шиооооуу!» [«Покажь!»]

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