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2009 » Сентябрь » 14

Johnny Kuczynski deserves our support – and so do the KIDS!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 14 Сентября 2009 19:32
On December 5th at Andrew’s Saloon in Sheppton, Pennsylvania (931 Center Street) Johnny Kuczynski – ranked by the American Darts Organization (ADO) the top darts player in the United States for four years straight from 2002 through 2005, United States cricket champion in 2006, and the American who advanced the farthest in the 2006 World Series of Darts and the Professional Darts Corporation’s (PDC) world championship the same year – is doing something special. Читать далее...
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Johnny Kuczynski deserves our support – and so do the KIDS!

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