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2009 » Октябрь » 23

The Xujiahui Shanghai International Darts Open 2009
Автор Джон Патт (John Part) 23 Октября 2009 20:06
This event easily lived up to the length of its name. As part of the 2009 Shanghai International Popular Sports Festival, and in conjunction with the Chinese Darts Association, this event ran over October 15-17 and was impressive in both attendance and in how well run it was. There were top players from many great countries. There were players who were soft tip, but who were evidently becoming very well adjusted to steel. Читать далее...
Комментарии (3)
The Xujiahui Shanghai International Darts Open 2009

1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920
21222324 25262728 29303132 33343536 37383940
41424344 45464748 49505152 53545556 57585960
61626364 65666768 69707172

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