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Автор Стюарт Пайк (Stuart Pyke) 28 Октября 2006 01:58

Well, the format of the World Grand Prix has again come in for a bit of stick – especially from some of the players – but for me, it has to stay as it is.

The double-to-start has caught several of the darts stars out and quite a few have been heard around the venue demanding a change to the tournament format next year.

I don’t think that should happen and I don’t think that will happen. The ‘double in’ is what makes the Dublin week special. It is unique and it is a real test of ability and character.

When the pressure is really on, we certainly find out who is up for the fight….and I also firmly believe there is a mental block with the double-to-start rule in some of the players minds.

If they come into the event hating the format and dreading finding a double to get away in each leg, it will surely damage their game. A lot of this sport is down to confidence and the players who believe in themselves and don’t worry a jot about the rules, invariably profit.

Those who get the ‘double darting demons’ are the ones that suffer from their own mental frailty. Just get on with it, I say!

During this World Grand Prix, Peter Manley produced a virtuoso performance, living up to his ‘One Dart’ nickname and he created a bit of history as well.

In his quarter-final against Andy Smith, Manley took an average of just 1.8 darts to get off in each leg. That is phenomenal shooting and it’s believed to be the best starting average in the nine year history of the event.

Year in, year out, the format is always a hot topic here on the Emerald Isle. The World Grand Prix is unique…..it is a great test and provides great drama…..so, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

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