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History and the 9 dart game belong to Lowe and Lim

Автор Джон Лоу (John Lowe) 13 Апреля 2006 17:57

History and the 9 dart game belong to Lowe and Lim
13th October 1984, Slough Fulcrum Centre, it's raining outside, it's hot inside, I am playing Keith Deller in the quarter finals of the World Matchplay, I have scored two maximum 180's, Keith is playing great darts but he knows he is up against a player at the very top of his form, thud, the first dart of my third throw goes straight into the middle of the treble 17, the second dart penetrates the treble 18 in the same fashion, only 36 needed with one dart remaining, the view of the double 18 is slightly blocked by the flight in the treble 18, a little adjustment with my eye sight and the dart is on it's way, as the darts enters the double 18 the crowd respond with a huge roar, my arm is raised into the air, Keith is holding his hand out in congratulationary fashion, history has been made.

The first perfect 9 dart 501 game has been completed on Television, the prize a whopping £102,000 and a place in history.

A few years later Paul Lim achieved the second Televised 9 dart game playing against Jack McKena at Lakeside in the World championship, the prize was slightly less in fact half: £50,000. nevertheless it was a perfect game.

Since that day, although quite a few years later, a number of players have achieved the perfect game on Television, including Unicorn professional Phil Taylor, twice, Raymond Barnaveld only a couple of weeks ago, away from Television there have been at least another 10.

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1. Dart_talker at 00:00 on 24th April 2006
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