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The Sneaky Freaky Zone

Автор Карл М. Хартман (Karl M. Hartman) 07 Сентября 2006 01:50

The Sneaky Freaky Zone
Read no further. What follows is a tune that you will not be able to get out of your head. DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!

THE SNEAKY FREAKY ZONE (Sung to the tune of Achy Breaky Heart)

Well, you can tell the world
I never was this good
but right now I'm in the darter's zone.
You can tell your friends
you've taken many wins
While shooting with me when we were alone.

And you can say my stance
looks like a polka dance.
It really dosn't matter much today.
You can say my stroke
looks like a jerky joke
but it looks like I'm winning anyway

Cuz, I'm in the zone.
The sneaky freaky zone.
That place where my darts will never stray.
Yes, I'm in the zone
the sneaky freaky zone
come-on up-here if you think you want to play.

So, you can tell your mates
my dart release is late
and you don't see how I hit the board.
You can say my focus
acts more like hocus-pocus
and my darts should be landing on the floor.

Well, my rhythm may be bad,
my alignment may be sad
but it looks like I'm going all the way.
My knuckles may turn white
I know my grip's too tight
But it dosen't seem to matter how I play.

Cuz, I'm in the zone.
The sneaky freaky zone.
That place where my darts will never stray.
Yes, I'm in the zone
the sneaky freaky zone
come-on up-here if you think you want to play.

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