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Гари Андерсон - Чемпион Мира!

05 Января 2015
Гари Андерсон (Gary Anderson) - Новый Чемпион Мира на William Hill World Darts Championship 2015!

Борис прошёл в Первый Круг ЧМ!

21 Декабря 2014
Борис выиграл Предварительный Круг! William Hill World Darts Championship 2015: Boris Koltsov (Russia) 4-2 Haruki Muramatsu (Japan). В 20:00 мск игра с Кевином Пейнтером - удачи Борису Кольцову!

EADC: отбор на Чемпионат Мира PDC

05 Октября 2014
18-19 октября в Москве, в бизнес-центре Омега-плаза, Евразийская Дартс Корпорация проводит отборочный турнир "12 стран", победитель которого получает приглашение на сцену Александра Пэлас в Лондоне!

Барневильд и Бантинг примут участие на турнире в Сиднее

10 Июля 2014
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Юникорн признан лучшим дартс брендом

30 Июня 2014
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Новости Unicorn


25 Июля 2006
Young Unicorn star James Wade produced a blistering display in the Winter Gardens heat to reach the 2nd round of the Stan James World Matchplay Championships.

He thrashed Denis Ovens 10 legs to 1….and will now face Unicorn stablemate Kevin Painter on Wednesday afternoon.

Everyone knows that Wade has got the talent, the potential and the ability to win major titles in the world of darts. This is the first time he has really proved it and shown exactly what he is capable of.

It was his debut in Blackpool and he started the match with a single one! After that, there was no stopping the 23-year-old from Aldershot, as he made Ovens wilt in the heat!

“It was my best display in a major TV tournament,” he said. “I have put the work in and prepared properly and that was my reward….but there is more to come and I won’t be satisfied with just reaching the 2nd round.”

Wade recently quit his job as a mechanic to concentrate on his darts career. It looks like a shrewd move.

“I showed a bit of backbone out there and if I turn up against Kevin Painter and play at my best, I will beat Kevin Painter.”

The odds on a 10-0 whitewash were 150/1 and Wade so nearly did it! He raced into a 5-0 lead with check-outs of 84 and 120 and hardly missed a double.

Wade then hit two maximum’s, finished brilliantly on 138, just missed a 156 and Ovens was a virtual spectator. Wade then just missed the bull on a 74 finish for the whitewash but it only delayed matters for a few minutes.

Wade averaged 97 and had a terrific 67 per cent on the check-outs….nailing 10 out of 15 shots at the double…..he reckons he can up that average by at least another three points…if he does, Painter will have a real game on his hands.

The highlight of day three in Blackpool is the clash of the titans…..Phil Taylor against John Part, while Adrian Lewis also goes for a place in the quarter-finals in the all-Stoke clash against Andrew Hamilton.

And there will be first news of those big matches later on tonight right here on the Unicorn website.


Новость в оригинале: JAMES WADES IN AT BLACKPOOL

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