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Гари Андерсон - Чемпион Мира!

05 Января 2015
Гари Андерсон (Gary Anderson) - Новый Чемпион Мира на William Hill World Darts Championship 2015!

Борис прошёл в Первый Круг ЧМ!

21 Декабря 2014
Борис выиграл Предварительный Круг! William Hill World Darts Championship 2015: Boris Koltsov (Russia) 4-2 Haruki Muramatsu (Japan). В 20:00 мск игра с Кевином Пейнтером - удачи Борису Кольцову!

EADC: отбор на Чемпионат Мира PDC

05 Октября 2014
18-19 октября в Москве, в бизнес-центре Омега-плаза, Евразийская Дартс Корпорация проводит отборочный турнир "12 стран", победитель которого получает приглашение на сцену Александра Пэлас в Лондоне!

Барневильд и Бантинг примут участие на турнире в Сиднее

10 Июля 2014
Раймонд ван Барневильд и Стивен Бантинг получили wildcard на турнир Сидней Мастерс, который пройдёт 28-30 августа...

Юникорн признан лучшим дартс брендом

30 Июня 2014
На гала-ужине в отеле Four Pillars Юникорн был признан лучшим дартс брендом...
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02 Октября 2006
PHIL TAKES SOUTH AFRICA BY STORMUNICORN World Champion Phil Taylor made a whirlwind visit to South Africa at the weekend - and received a film star's welcome in Johannesburg.

Taylor appeared in a special exhibition to follow the PDC's new event in the country, the Emperors Palace South African Masters.

A hundred of the best players in the country travelled to the Emperors Palace Casino for the event, and Wynand Havenga won the tournament to also secure a spot in the Ladbrokes.com World Darts Championship.

The last eight players returned to the main stage to take on The Power in best-of-three-leg exhibition matches.

Taylor - who wore a specially designed shirt in the colours of the South African flag - hit some finishes through a sheet of paper - including a bull to finish a ten-dart leg against Havenga!

"The standard of darts surprised me in a very pleasant way as I didn’t know what to expect, and I think Wynand could very well surprise a few people at Purfleet," said Phil.

"I enjoyed every minute of it - it just shows what great strides the PDC are making around the World now.

"Darts truly is becoming a worldwide sport now, and it makes me even more determined to keep practicing and stay at the top for as long as possible."

Taylor was making his first ever visit to South Africa, and was surprised by his popularity after receiving a amazing welcome by fans who had only previously seen him in action on SuperSport.

Over 300 queued to have pictures taken with Taylor and receive autographs - with some in tears at meeting their hero!

Taylor also got the chance to enjoy a helicopter ride to a safari park before returning to the UK on Sunday night.

"It was a fantastic experience and I recommend anyone going on a safari if you get the chance," he added.

"They showed us what's left of a zebra after a pack of lions had finished with it!

"Well I thought Adrian Lewis could eat but I think these Lions would have given even him a run for his money!"

Our picture shows Phil with Wynand Havenga and Anne Vilas, Managing Director Opal Sports.


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