Борис выиграл Предварительный Круг! William Hill World Darts Championship 2015: Boris Koltsov (Russia) 4-2 Haruki Muramatsu (Japan). В 20:00 мск игра с Кевином Пейнтером - удачи Борису Кольцову!
18-19 октября в Москве, в бизнес-центре Омега-плаза, Евразийская Дартс Корпорация проводит отборочный турнир "12 стран", победитель которого получает приглашение на сцену Александра Пэлас в Лондоне!
James Wade, John Part, Kevin Painter, Kirk Shepherd and Barrie Bates made sure the Unicorn flag was flying high at the Alexandra Palace, as they all reached the last 16.
Shepherd is enjoying the darting ride of his life! The young Unicorn qualifier is through after an amazing tie-break win over Irishman Mick McGowan.
Wade was given the fright of his life though, before finally overcoming Steve Beaton in the final set, as the clock ticked past midnight.