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Sid Finally Lost For Words
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 13 Июня 2005 09:47
The Budweiser UK Open has left me and millions of other darts fanatics absolutely gobsmacked.

I got to Bolton on Friday noon and then had to memorise 174 biographies for starters. Mind, when Steve Akers lists his house full of snakes and Andy Smith says his nickname is Pieman, some facts just stick in your head. And what can you say about Unicorn’s Phil Taylor? I’ll try, inexorable, ineffable, unique, gifted by the gods of darts. Читать далее...

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Sid Finally Lost For Words

Sid Tackles 'The Times'
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 12 Июня 2005 09:47
We have a major problem in darts today according to the witty Times columnist Giles Smith – not very inspired nicknames. He reckons the Big Daves and Darth Maples are passé; we need more pizzazz.

Well, last night I did something about the sad situation. Читать далее...

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Sid Tackles 'The Times'

Drama At The Reebok
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 11 Июня 2005 09:46
The opening session of the UK Open at the Reebok Stadium in Bolton had more drama than Shakespeare and Ben Johnson put together.

The large crowd watching an eight-board circus were thrilled by minnows and sharks alike. Читать далее...

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Drama At The Reebok

Budweiser Uk Open Preview
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 09 Июня 2005 09:46
This weekend all roads lead to Bolton for the third FA Cup of darts. We’ll see what the minnows can do against the conger eels of our sport. John Motson and Co only have one ring to keep tabs on in their circus, we’ve got EIGHT! But the trusty Sky patter masters will rise to the occasion. Читать далее...
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Budweiser Uk Open Preview

Taylor Takes Premier League Title
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 01 Июня 2005 09:46
I am not a man who uses superlatives easily - in fact I use Lifebuoy - but Phil Taylor taking the 888.com Premier League title against Colin Lloyd in an all Team Unicorn final produced the best scoring I have seen in 33 years of involvement in top darts. Читать далее...
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Taylor Takes Premier League Title

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