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World Grand Prix

1 2 »
Behind The Face Of Stone
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 07 Ноября 2005 10:01
I have spent several pleasurable hours over the last two weeks reading Old Stoneface, John Lowe’s life story, published by John Blake at £17.99. Читать далее...
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Behind The Face Of Stone

Cruel Darts And Gruel Darts
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 02 Ноября 2005 10:00
So, Phil Taylor handed out a monumental licking to Colin Lloyd in the final of the World Grand Prix. What better set-up could you want for the Ladbroke.com World Championship in a few weeks time? Читать далее...
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Cruel Darts And Gruel Darts

The Gods Of Darts Have Spoken
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 30 Октября 2005 10:00
So, we’ve got the final we purists wanted….just like Michael Vaughan’s boys took on the mighty but ageing Aussies, the Gods of Darts have decreed the World No.1 will play the greatest ever in our Irish final. Читать далее...
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The Gods Of Darts Have Spoken

Taylor Is Mean, Moody And Magnificent
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 29 Октября 2005 09:59
My main impression from the Emerald Isle was the mean, menacing mood of Team Unicorn's Phil Taylor. Wow, Wee, what a performance! Читать далее...
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Taylor Is Mean, Moody And Magnificent

The Pub With No Pool
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 28 Октября 2005 09:59
I woke up this morning thinking I was back in Hilton Head Island in America - on my hols!

A warm wind came in from the Wicklow mountains and a strong sunlight-bathed golf course stretched out before my window. So naturally, I decided to sunbathe - in the local pool pub! Читать далее...

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The Pub With No Pool

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