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Дартс в Корее

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More from Korea
Автор Карл М. Хартман (Karl M. Hartman) 10 Февраля 2007 01:25
I got the impression in reading over my posts, that there was a lot of negativity regarding darts either here in Korea or between my ears and so I decided to say something positive about the darts scene in Korea. Читать далее...
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More from Korea

Medalist in Korea
Автор Карл М. Хартман (Karl M. Hartman) 19 Января 2007 01:26
Well, on December 18th I won a soft-tip medalist tournament for $500. This was one of those tournaments that participants needed to qualify for to enter. I went out to the hosting pub one evening prior to the tournament and shot about 5 games. I paid 3000 won for each game, not counting the coin drop. My friend Petro was shooting with me. After the 5 games I was told that my scores were high enough for first place. Читать далее...
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Medalist in Korea

Winning at Practice
Автор Карл М. Хартман (Karl M. Hartman) 09 Декабря 2006 01:28
If you are like me, when you first took up this great sport of darts, you were excited, full of energy, and ready to practice every day to get better.

Then something happened along the way. Focus was lost. Practice gave way to other things. Many of you have read my articles and are aware of my renewed efforts at practice after 20 years of shooting darts and being only a decent ‘A’ level player. Читать далее...

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Winning at Practice

Let Your Partner Shine
Автор Карл М. Хартман (Karl M. Hartman) 17 Октября 2006 01:29
I can remember just starting out in the game of darts. After a few years of practice I thought I was pretty good. I would go to all the blind draws in the area and if I drew a good partner I had a good chance of winning. These days, I shoot better darts than I did back then and throughout my growth in this wonderful game, I have noticed something quite remarkable. Читать далее...
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Let Your Partner Shine

The Sneaky Freaky Zone
Автор Карл М. Хартман (Karl M. Hartman) 07 Сентября 2006 01:50
Read no further. What follows is a tune that you will not be able to get out of your head. DANGER! DANGER! DANGER!

THE SNEAKY FREAKY ZONE (Sung to the tune of Achy Breaky Heart) Читать далее...

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The Sneaky Freaky Zone

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61626364 65666768 69707172

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