Спасибо командам Саратова и Перми, за то, что приезжали в гости в дартс-клуб Таганка на разминку в пятницу. И даже Екатеринбургу... за составленную нано-компанию. Около двадцати гостей за день нам видеть уже не доводилось годами..... Читать далее...
This event easily lived up to the length of its name. As part of the 2009 Shanghai International Popular Sports Festival, and in conjunction with the Chinese Darts Association, this event ran over October 15-17 and was impressive in both attendance and in how well run it was. There were top players from many great countries. There were players who were soft tip, but who were evidently becoming very well adjusted to steel. Читать далее...