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Taylor And Tonsils!
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 30 Декабря 2005 04:26
So, Phil ‘The Power’ won the all Stoke-on-Trent clash against King Henry VIII, landlord of the Skylark boozer.

This was the real take-no-copies Philip. His stacking was little short of perfect, as was his use of the treble 19. In addition, his “attitude” was like it was at the World Grand Prix in Ireland – he kicked his own butt at the slightest sloppy shot! Читать далее...

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Taylor And Tonsils!

Star Wars At The Circus
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 29 Декабря 2005 04:25
There have been many memorable walk-ons in the history of the World Championship. I remember at Frimley Green, around 1988, a Swedish bloke being played on to ‘Money, Money, Money’ by ABBA…..explanation: “It’s the only Swedish tune we had!” Читать далее...
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Star Wars At The Circus

Sid The Snob!?
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 28 Декабря 2005 04:25
I have never been known to be short of a word or two about my pride in being a solid working-class lad.

So, you can guess my amazement at being branded a “snob” on a darts forum. Where they got this idea from, I just don’t know. I am certainly not an inverted “snob”, as I certainly believe in a pluralistic society – where each should be proud of his own station in life. Читать далее...

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Sid The Snob!?

Finest Commentator Ever!?
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Декабря 2005 04:25
I spent Christmas Eve in darkest Hertfordshire, where I had the best sausage sandwich of my life, in a pub in Braughing – called The Axe and Compasses!

I had a game of darts with the landlord and the locals but did as bad as ever! I put one in the fire and two in the blind stocking. Читать далее...

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Finest Commentator Ever!?

In Dead Lumber At Christmas
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 23 Декабря 2005 04:24
Now I want you to sit back and read what follows – NOT with your tongue in your cheek!

Here is a Christmas story that comes straight off the old Yule log…..Once upon a time there was a big lad called Andy Smith, who rejoiced in the nickname ‘Pie Man’. Читать далее...

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In Dead Lumber At Christmas

1-5 6-10 11-15

1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920
21222324 25262728 29303132 33343536 37383940
41424344 45464748 49505152 53545556 57585960
61626364 65666768 69707172

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