В книге «Дротик Купидона» (Cupid's Dart) Дэвида Ноббса (David Nobbs) (Arrow Books, 2008) есть сцена, когда профессор философии из Оксфорда Алан Калькутт случайно натыкается на Чемпионат мира по дартс (World Darts Championship) по телевизору. Он недавно завёл интрижку с юной поклонницей дартс Энджи Бедвелл, в два раза его моложе, и теперь он в предвкушении дня, когда они вместе пойдут на соревнования..... Читать далее...
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again – you never quite know what to expect when you pick up a book about darts. We’ll, actually you pretty much do. That’s the frustrating thing. Most of them are boring! Like mine. But George Silberzahn’s first book, How to Master the Sport of Darts, was ..... Читать далее...
For almost ten years I had an office in England – Crowborough, East Sussex to be exact, just down the long and winding road from Royal Tunbridge Wells, Kent. So I know a little bit about conkers, tea, tiki masala and all other things British. My knowledge of such matters established, it was a b...... Читать далее...
Dear Friends… It is that time of year again to share with you Mrs. Dartoid’s and my adventures in this journey we call life. 2007 has been another year of magic and wonder... Читать далее...
suppose the news that Rizal “JoJo” Barellano will be representing his country, in the first appearance ever by a Filipino, in this year’s Professional Darts Corporation’s (PDC) world championship was greeted with a yawn by most fans of the sport. Undoubtedly when news breaks that another player from the region, again a first, has been invited will be met with a similar lack of enthusiasm. Читать далее...