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Darts in the Islamic Republic of Iran
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 02 Января 2007 15:26
While I had hoped business travel might coincide with the 13th staging of the Asia Pacific Cup in Kuala Lumpur in September, it was not to be. News reached me fast however and I was pleased to learn that my old Filipino friend Ramon Sabalboro just missed the quarter finals in the Men’s 501 Singles. Three Filipinos including Lourence Ilagan and Rizal Barellano made the final eight, testament yet again to the talent and depth of talent to be found on the archipelago. Читать далее...
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Darts in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Good Places to Visit and Throw Darts
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 29 Декабря 2006 15:29
WELCOME to Dartoid's World, the only column about darts that has been ranked three times consecutively in a row one time right after the other among the top causes of barfing.
Today's subject is my recent three-week 28,000-mile darts journey from Tampa, Florida to Thailand, Cambodia, Korea, Los Angeles and someplace called Pasco in southeast Washington where I threw a challenge match and met a darter named Shawnee Jumping Turtle. Читать далее...
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Good Places to Visit and Throw Darts

My Friend the Doctor
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 18 Декабря 2006 15:30
For several years now, pretty much since the day I learned he existed, I have been corresponding with the so-called “Doctor of Darts” – Patrick Chaplin. Despite a handful of failed attempts to get together, Patrick and I have not met, or even spoken. Yet thanks to a shared love for the sport and the convenience and power of e-mail we have become good friends. Читать далее...
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My Friend the Doctor

Cambodia's Funky Munky and a Child named Mom
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 28 Ноября 2006 15:32
The advertisement was bound to catch my eye:
Pie and Darts Night – The Funky Munky
Enjoy a savory selection of pies and seasonal vegetables every Friday evening
followed by a traditional British darts tournament.
I was hooked immediately. Читать далее...
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Cambodia's Funky Munky and a Child named Mom

Federal Express Stole my Darts!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 30 Октября 2006 15:34
Some things make no sense. Take the price of gasoline in America.

Over the past year the price of a gallon of gasoline has spiked nearly a dollar to over three dollars a gallon. The reasons given: Chinese demand, Hurricane Katrina, the war in Iraq, the prospect of another war in Iran, some problem with a leaky pipeline in Alaska and because George Bush is a monkey butt. A month ago it cost me roughly the same amount to fill up the tank of my lawnmower as it did to fill up my car in high school. Читать далее...

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Federal Express Stole my Darts!

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