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The Las Vegas Player's Championship
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 02 Июля 2007 15:15
In a result unprecedented in darting history, indeed in the history of all sport, thirteen times world champion Phil Taylor today won the Professional Darts Corporation’s (PDC) Las Vegas Player’s Championship without being present. Читать далее...
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The Las Vegas Player's Championship

Dr. Darts, Trina Gulliver, and the
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 06 Апреля 2007 15:16
Good old boy Doctor of Darts, Patrick Chaplin, is at it again!
He has just today announced the pending publication of the first-ever book featuring a female darts player – seven-time world champion Trina Gulliver. Called “The Golden Girl – The Autobiography of the World’s Greatest Ladies’ Darts Player,” the book will certainly be popular among darts enthusiasts everywhere, and not just for the photographs. Читать далее...
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Dr. Darts, Trina Gulliver, and the

Bob Elliott is one of the GOOD guys!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 04 Апреля 2007 15:21
Sometimes I can’t start writing fast enough. This was the case when I learned about my old friend Bob Elliott.
Elliott and I go back to my early days in darts in the Cape Cod Dart League (CCDL). I was just beginning to venture beyond the comfort zone of “C” league play and into the intimidating world of blind draws. Читать далее...
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Bob Elliott is one of the GOOD guys!

Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 31 Января 2007 15:23
The thing about Bobby George’s first book, Bobby Dazzler, My Story, is that you don’t need to read a review to decide whether or not you want to plunk down money to buy the book. Just as you know you gotta watch when George bounds on stage decked out like Elvis, dripping in jewelry, and carrying a candelabra, the sizzling Dazzler cover more sells the steak that follows. Читать далее...
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The Bloodshot Open
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 20 Января 2007 15:24
In February, 2003 – almost four years ago – I drove from Pennsylvania to Ohio for the fifth annual Columbus Darters Association (CDA) Bloodshot Open. What I remember most about the $5,000 tournament is the drive home. It’s taken me until now to get over the trauma. Читать далее...
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The Bloodshot Open

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