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Darts in the Secret City
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 02 Октября 2006 15:36
Almost sixty-five years ago 75,000 Americans kept a secret.

It began to unfold in the isolated green hills and rolling valleys in the quiet Tennessee countryside where, just one year later in 1943, one of the legendary country and gospel music quartets of our time began harmonizing in church. Читать далее...

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Darts in the Secret City

The 2007 World Series of Darts is…
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 22 Сентября 2006 15:37
Now ain’t that the million dollar question. (Or, if you were unlucky and not born in red, white and blue knickers, the $100,000 question.)

If you follow the various darts website forums you’ll already know that the prevailing opinion (almost 60% according to one poll) is that there will be no repeat of the event. Читать далее...

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The 2007 World Series of Darts is…

Wimmenfolk, Rumpelmint and DARTS in the Ozarks
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 01 Августа 2006 15:47
I don’t know ‘bout ya’ll but when I think of the Ozarks what pops into my noggin is hooters, and I done don’t mean that place with the chicken wings. No siree, Bob.

What I mean is Hooterville. Don’t nobody know fer shore where that is ‘xactly ‘cept “it’s sumpin’ like 300 miles from Chicago, ‘round ‘bout Crabwell Corners, Stankwell Falls and Bugtussle.” But everybody knows how the town got its name. There’s lots of evidence. Читать далее...

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Wimmenfolk, Rumpelmint and DARTS in the Ozarks

A bad day at the office for the British!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 13 Июля 2006 15:51
Saturday, July 1
Today was one of those days where those of the British persuasion wished they had a sack full of Mulligans. Only one thing went right for the Mother Country and that’s that they didn’t get knocked out of the World Cup… Читать далее...
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A bad day at the office for the British!

John Part is BACK (and so is the Asteroid!)
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 13 Июля 2006 15:49
Sunday, July 2
As puzzled scientists continued to peer into their telescopes and, calculate, recalculate and debate the final destination of the giant mountain-sized asteroid, now called 2000 XP14, hurtling its way towards Planet Earth, in Las Vegas, unaware of the potential danger, almost all eyes were fixed on the stage today as topless showgirls danced and jiggled in X – an Erotic Adventure at the Aladdin. Читать далее...
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John Part is BACK (and so is the Asteroid!)

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