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Гари Андерсон - Чемпион Мира!

05 Января 2015
Гари Андерсон (Gary Anderson) - Новый Чемпион Мира на William Hill World Darts Championship 2015!

Борис прошёл в Первый Круг ЧМ!

21 Декабря 2014
Борис выиграл Предварительный Круг! William Hill World Darts Championship 2015: Boris Koltsov (Russia) 4-2 Haruki Muramatsu (Japan). В 20:00 мск игра с Кевином Пейнтером - удачи Борису Кольцову!

EADC: отбор на Чемпионат Мира PDC

05 Октября 2014
18-19 октября в Москве, в бизнес-центре Омега-плаза, Евразийская Дартс Корпорация проводит отборочный турнир "12 стран", победитель которого получает приглашение на сцену Александра Пэлас в Лондоне!

Барневильд и Бантинг примут участие на турнире в Сиднее

10 Июля 2014
Раймонд ван Барневильд и Стивен Бантинг получили wildcard на турнир Сидней Мастерс, который пройдёт 28-30 августа...

Юникорн признан лучшим дартс брендом

30 Июня 2014
На гала-ужине в отеле Four Pillars Юникорн был признан лучшим дартс брендом...
Архив Опросов

О Дротиках Юникорн

Reproduced from 1950 UNICORN Book of Darts

All UNICORN darts are specially designed by us and are made throughout in our own Works, to close engineering limits, constantly checked with precision gauges, thus ensuring accuracy and uniformity. Especial attention is paid to fine proportions, elegance of design and excellence of finish, and the finest available hardened, tempered and polished steel points are fitted. We can, therefore, proudly claim that the slogan 'UNICORN Darts of Distinction' is, if anything, an understatement.

We are the pioneers of all modern developments in darts. We set the standard for darts as precision instruments by the introduction of the Silver Comet darts in 1937. We were the first to introduce a successful plastic dart flight on a commercial scale in 1945. In 1947 we introduced the unique 'Half-Pint' darts and we were the first to produce, in 1948, the plastic dart case as an integral component of a set of darts. 1949 saw the introduction of the improved 'Plus-Two' plastic dart case and of the revolutionary Patent 'Adaptor' dart flights, which ousted the old wooden-shafted feather dart flight as completely as the railway ousted the stage coach. In this Edition of the UNICORN Book of Darts we are including over eighty new patterns of darts, four new plastic dart cases, several new types of dart flights and other items. These are some of the landmarks in our quest for perfection, and the following pages will show that we have reduced the design, production and classification of darts and dart flights to a fine art.

We are also pioneers in the production of darts in Solid Copper and solid Nickel Silver. Copper darts, with their warm appearance, appeal to those of discriminating taste and Nickel Silver darts, which wear white throughout, are an inexpensive luxury. We also supply any pattern of dart in chromium plated finish.

We always have in stock hall-marked Sterling Silver darts, which make splendid prizes and we can supply, to special order, darts in solid 9-carat Gold, in appropriate case.

Finally, a few words about the extensive choice we offer, which is indeed without parallel. We are sometimes told that our range, including as it does over 150 different styles, in three different metals, with a choice of various kinds of flights and packing, making over 2500 different combinations to choose from, is too large. The fact is that practically all types offered came into being as a result of public demand and had we included all the darts we have been asked for one time or another, our range would be larger still. The desirability of a wide choice is, however, an established fact and is referred to elsewhere in this book.

We are always prepared to make up, at a moderate cost, darts to customers' own specification.

Every UNICORN dart is fully guaranteed and will be exchanged free of charge if found faulty.


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