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Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside!
Автор Стюарт Пайк (Stuart Pyke) 17 Июля 2006 01:50
Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside! Well, most of us do, including those darts-crazy fans who are lucky enough to get their hands on tickets for the annual trek to Blackpool. Читать далее...
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Oh, we do like to be beside the seaside!

A bad day at the office for the British!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 13 Июля 2006 15:51
Saturday, July 1
Today was one of those days where those of the British persuasion wished they had a sack full of Mulligans. Only one thing went right for the Mother Country and that’s that they didn’t get knocked out of the World Cup… Читать далее...
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A bad day at the office for the British!

John Part is BACK (and so is the Asteroid!)
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 13 Июля 2006 15:49
Sunday, July 2
As puzzled scientists continued to peer into their telescopes and, calculate, recalculate and debate the final destination of the giant mountain-sized asteroid, now called 2000 XP14, hurtling its way towards Planet Earth, in Las Vegas, unaware of the potential danger, almost all eyes were fixed on the stage today as topless showgirls danced and jiggled in X – an Erotic Adventure at the Aladdin. Читать далее...
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John Part is BACK (and so is the Asteroid!)

Well I had best introduce myself for starters
Автор Уоррен Акэри (Warren Ackary) 13 Июля 2006 12:41
My Name is Warren Ackary but you can call me Wazza180. I hail from Wollongong, Australia.

I am a handicapped player and love the game to death, so I had best fill you in about how I got started in darts. Читать далее...

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Well I had best introduce myself for starters

Tommy Cox Disqualifies Gary Spedding and BANS Yoko Ono!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 12 Июля 2006 15:53
Friday, June 30
The World Cup quarter finals commenced today after a brief hiatus negotiated by PDC tournament director Tommy Cox “so the LVDC might be permitted to proceed undistracted.” The break was to last through the weekend but World Cup officials reconsidered after learning that Cox disqualified Gary Spedding for not speeding quickly enough on Wednesday to his assigned board. Commenting off-the-record, one Germany official had this to say: “Tommy Cox ist ein grosser Kartoffelkopf!” Читать далее...
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Tommy Cox Disqualifies Gary Spedding and BANS Yoko Ono!

Архив всех юниБлогов 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920
Календарь архива 2009 21222324 25262728 29303132 33343536 37383940
Календарь архива 2008 41424344 45464748 49505152 53545556 57585960
Календарь архива 2007 61626364 65666768 69707172 73747576 77787980 81828384 85868788

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