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History and the 9 dart game belong to Lowe and Lim
Автор Джон Лоу (John Lowe) 13 Апреля 2006 17:57
13th October 1984, Slough Fulcrum Centre, it's raining outside, it's hot inside, I am playing Keith Deller in the quarter finals of the World Matchplay, I have scored two maximum 180's, Keith is playing great darts but he knows he is up against a player at the very top of his form, thud, the first Читать далее...
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History and the 9 dart game belong to Lowe and Lim

The Power And The Postman
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 04 Апреля 2006 04:31
The Holsten Premier League hit Carlisle with its usual glitz and gladiatorial darts. Five hundred years ago English and Scottish reivers (brigands) fought and ravaged the lawless Border country by the torrential River Eden. Nothing much has changed; the weapons are smaller and the leaders of the charge are a stocky feisty Englishman and a tall smiling Dutchman. Читать далее...
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The Power And The Postman

Hot Tickets And Old Favourites
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Марта 2006 04:31
Over the last few months I have been asked by people in all walks of life — from painters to publishers, publicans to policemen — why is darts so HOT now? Well I reckon we got the answer in full pulsating tungsten Technicolour on Thursday night at Bournemouth in the Holsten Premier Darts League. Читать далее...
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Hot Tickets And Old Favourites

If It’s Thursday It Must Be Bournemouth
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 22 Марта 2006 04:32
I once reckoned when I was studying history at Cambridge University that Marco Polo, Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great got about the world quite a bit. But recently I have well matched these wandering boys in terms of miles clocked and vivid impressions made and received. Читать далее...
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If It’s Thursday It Must Be Bournemouth

The Stadium Of Flight
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Февраля 2006 04:33
You will be glad to know that I survived the Mackem hordes at the Premier Darts League at Seaburn, alias the Costa Del Sunderland. The local paper had given me a big write-up as a genial Geordie and there were several placards proclaiming ‘SID IS A MACKEM’. The phrase refers to the East and West Durham speech fault that says ‘mak’ for ‘make’ and ‘tak’ for ‘take’ – and is also tied up with the once proud tradition of building fine ships on the River Wear. Читать далее...
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The Stadium Of Flight

Архив всех юниБлогов 1234 5678 9101112 13141516 17181920
Календарь архива 2009 21222324 25262728 29303132 33343536 37383940
Календарь архива 2008 41424344 45464748 49505152 53545556 57585960
Календарь архива 2007 61626364 65666768 69707172 73747576 77787980 81828384 85868788

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