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In Dead Lumber At Christmas
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 23 Декабря 2005 04:24
Now I want you to sit back and read what follows – NOT with your tongue in your cheek!

Here is a Christmas story that comes straight off the old Yule log…..Once upon a time there was a big lad called Andy Smith, who rejoiced in the nickname ‘Pie Man’. Читать далее...

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In Dead Lumber At Christmas

Tarts, Darts and Tungsten
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 22 Декабря 2005 04:24
It’s not only Lark pie and chips on the menu here at The Tavern, along with Pukka pasties.

The self-styled ‘Tarts for Darts’ – really four secretaries from Kent – have waylaid me under the mistletoe! They pecked my chops and have given me my first Christmas card during my time at The Circus. Читать далее...

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Tarts, Darts and Tungsten

Tears and Turn-up At The Tavern
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 21 Декабря 2005 04:24
It was a night of pure nostalgia for me, as I went to watch proud Welshman Mark Salmon from Ynysbwl practice with two of the American lads.

Mark greeted me with the news that he had been a protégé of the late, great Leighton Rees. He threw with Leighton’s picture on his flights and he was proud to tell me, that he had been a pall-bearer at the great man’s funeral in 2003. Читать далее...

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Tears and Turn-up At The Tavern

No Clowns At The Circus
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 19 Декабря 2005 04:23
I came south for day one here at Purfleet on the 07.00 train from Leeds full of trembling anticipation.

All around me on the train were number crunchers and high-flyers in the stripy suits! I concealed a copy of last year’s World Championship programme inside Zoo magazine. Читать далее...

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No Clowns At The Circus

Festive Treats At The Tavern
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 08 Декабря 2005 04:23
Christmas is coming early this year for me; my presents will start arriving on December 19 at the Circus Tavern and they won’t finish until January 2, 2006, when I let rip on the world final. But before I give you my personal list of goodies, let me briefly look back on a brill year for our sport. Читать далее...
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Festive Treats At The Tavern

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