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The Pub With No Pool
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 28 Октября 2005 09:59
I woke up this morning thinking I was back in Hilton Head Island in America - on my hols!

A warm wind came in from the Wicklow mountains and a strong sunlight-bathed golf course stretched out before my window. So naturally, I decided to sunbathe - in the local pool pub! Читать далее...

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The Pub With No Pool

Down Memory Lane
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 27 Октября 2005 09:59
It's great for a veteran like me to look out of the commentary box window and see a darting 'great' rolling back the years.

Dennis Priestley is 55-years-old and there is the odd fleck of white in the jet black hair but in the first set against local lad Keith Rooney was vintage Dennis of a decade ago. Читать далее...

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Down Memory Lane

My Unique Vocal Routine
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 26 Октября 2005 09:58
I spent the morning talking to the Daily Telegraph about my unique routine of vocal relaxation ahead of another long night’s commentary.

They were fascinated by my ‘Musical Yawn’, ‘Singing Sinus’ and ‘Puffing Pilates’ - all designed to loosen the old tubes and clear the breathing! Читать далее...

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My Unique Vocal Routine

A sunny start in Dublin
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 25 Октября 2005 09:58
There were very good omens on my plane ride over from rainy Leeds to the sunshine of Dublin harbour. The Wicklow mountains were emerald green in the clouds beyond Saggart church.

Our commentary team was joined by former world number one Rod Harrington, who had particular interest in the “clutch hitting” of his protégé, World No.1Colin Lloyd. Читать далее...

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A sunny start in Dublin

Pilates Of The Irish Sea
Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 19 Октября 2005 09:57
Greetings fans and fanesses from an ebullient Geordie Lip, hot back from a three week holiday in Dixieland, U.S.A, land of crimson myrtle blossom, Po’ Boy shrimp sandwiches and, of course, muscle-rippling keep fit obsessives. Which brings me to my emerald green pilates mat… Читать далее...
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Pilates Of The Irish Sea

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