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Ever had one of THOSE days?
Автор Уоррен Акэри (Warren Ackary) 13 Ноября 2006 12:02
We all seem to have a day that doesn’t seem to go to plan and this day certainly wasn’t either!

Getting a cuppa in the morning and I reached into the fridge to get sugar… not a good start to the day indeed. After I finally worked out that the sugar wasn’t a frozen sweetener I sat down and had my coffee while trying to work out what sort of blog entry I would put in going on what information I had on me (non) and the guidelines Edward had provided. Читать далее...

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Ever had one of THOSE days?

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 06 Ноября 2006 05:40
It was more like being at a steeplechase at Leopardstown than a tungsten race at Saggart. To see as hot a favourite as Phil Taylor running and jumping like a selling plater and almost belly-flopping over the line in the World Grand Prix final, had even me gobsmacked. Читать далее...
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Federal Express Stole my Darts!
Автор Пол Зигель (Paul Seigel) 30 Октября 2006 15:34
Some things make no sense. Take the price of gasoline in America.

Over the past year the price of a gallon of gasoline has spiked nearly a dollar to over three dollars a gallon. The reasons given: Chinese demand, Hurricane Katrina, the war in Iraq, the prospect of another war in Iran, some problem with a leaky pipeline in Alaska and because George Bush is a monkey butt. A month ago it cost me roughly the same amount to fill up the tank of my lawnmower as it did to fill up my car in high school. Читать далее...

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Federal Express Stole my Darts!

Автор Сид Уодделл (Sid Waddell) 28 Октября 2006 05:40
The Sky Sports team have been preparing a big feature for the World Championship broadcast, with myself, Dave Lanning and John Gwynne, profiling the ‘Greats’ of our sport.

Producer Georgina Faulkner ended my session by asking me to put in order my best five of all-time……..so here it is: Phil Taylor, Ray Barneveld, Eric Bristow, John Lowe and Jocky Wilson. Читать далее...

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Автор Стюарт Пайк (Stuart Pyke) 28 Октября 2006 01:58
Well, the format of the World Grand Prix has again come in for a bit of stick – especially from some of the players – but for me, it has to stay as it is. Читать далее...
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